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Friday, April 29, 2016

RAK #2 - Received! and Smalls SAL for April

Oh, this is so exciting - My second RAK has been received by the lovely Rosey of Ishkabibble Blog. (Isn't that the cutest name for a blog)??

I sent Rosey these little wooden blocks. They are from Shepherd's Bush and are stitched on perforated paper. It's been years since I've worked with perforated paper - I'd forgotten how much fun it is. The blocks are probably 1.5 inches square.....but Rosey will have to verify that, as I didn't measure them before packing them up for their journey. I'm going to claim this as my Smalls SAL for April - hosted by Heather at The Stitching Lotus.

Also included were some fabrics and flosses and a Stoney Creek pattern....notice the "home" theme?

Three RAKs are floating around the globe....I can hardly wait to hear from the party-goers their parcels have arrived so I can share!

OK - four more RAKs are completed and ready to be packed up.....just realized I need more padded envelopes.....looks like they will go out next week.

OH! and another thing - I'll be sharing my adventure in Singapore with Peranakan beading in my next post.

Friday, April 22, 2016

ABC SAL, Santa, Mom's Needlepoint and RAKs

Jet lag is finally diminishing and I feel like I'm myself again. YEA! Now I'll catch up reading blogs and posting my stitchery.

First is Part 8 of Ele's ABC SAL:

Here's a Christmas Santa ornament I just finished....I don't remember the designer's name, but he was a hoot to stitch:

I finally had the energy to finish these sweet pieces my mother had needlepointed before her devastating illness. They hang on the French doors into my office:

I spent most of the morning yesterday packing up FOUR RAKs - each will be winging their way to a different country. I can't tell you how much fun this is  - from the stitching, to the packing of the gifts - I can hardly wait for the recipients to receive their gifts so I can post pictures!

OK - now off to stitch and create - 5 RAKs down.....55 more to go <G>

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Singapore, Meeting a Blogging Friend and First RAK

Well, made it back from my three weeks in Singapore. It was an amazing time - all spent with family. My SIL and DD are great tour guides - they took me all over Singapore. Of course, the highlights are the times I got to spend with my sweet grandson.

DGS and me watching "Let it Go" from "Frozen"on my iPad

Saying good-bye at the airport when it was time for me to leave was very teary....I just hope it won't be another year before I see them all again.

While in Singapore, my DD and GS took me to the Peranakan Museum. The current gallery exhibits tell the story of the Peranakans. A brief background: Southeast Asia has been a crossroads of trade for centuries. Some of these traders married local women and made their homes there. The descendants of these marriages are the ancestors of the Peranakans. Their culture is a rich one, full of tradition and beauty. I was particularly struck by the intricate beading of the Peranakan beaded slippers. (More about this in a future post).

I also got to visit with sweet Angela from Pretty Little Things in a Box  blog. Angela and I met through our blogs and have become good friends as a result of our blogs and emails.

Angela is an amazing young lady - she has her own shop in Singapore, specializing in knitting, crocheting, stitching supplies - and lessons. My DD and I stopped by the shop, Wish I were Stitching, for a quick visit. The following week, Angela treated me to lunch and some sightseeing - AND on our second visit together, Angela taught me how to crochet!  I also received these sweet gifts:

 A beautiful shawl Angela crocheted

 A book, needles and thread for tatting (yea!! something I've always wanted to learn to do)

32 Ct linen - one of my favorites to stitch 

.....and there's more to share, but I'll save that for a future post.

Now - my first 60th Birthday Celebration RAK - delivered to Angela - 

I stitched the flat ornament with Angela's initial and DH hand made Angela's shop logo, plus he also made the stand. I didn't get a good picture of the stand, but there is a lot of scroll work - it's beautiful. There were some other small gifts for her - which I forgot to photograph ;(

OK - I'm still suffering from jet lag - so will end this post. I've got TONS to share with you all - and there's been a lot of stitching and needles flying whilst I was on my journey.....so stop by in a few days for more news.