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60 RAKs

RAK #1 - Given to Angela from Pretty Little Things in a Box

RAK #2 - Given to Rosey from Ishkabibble

RAK #3 - Given to Oskar from PX and Other Matters

RAK #4 given to Debbie from Debbie's Corner

RAK #5 - yet to hear from the recipient, but I know it's in good hands

RAK #6 - Given to Meari of Meari's Musings

RAK #7 - Given to Renee of Living My Dream

RAK #8 - Given to Jo from Through the Keyhole

RAK #9  - Given to Lily of Home of lil' Needlecrafter

RAK #10 given to Marlene of Stitching By the Lake

RAK# 11 to Vickie from A Stitcher's Story

RAK #12 to Mary Jane - CalamityJr (no blog)

RAK #13 given to Mary Anne at Magpie's Mumblings

RAK #14 given to Pilar of Valances Flowers

.....and some fabric and floss....which I forgot to take pictures of.....

RAK #15 given to Charlene of Paraclete Designs

RAK #16 given to Leonie of Fireflies and Cats in the Garden

RAK #17 given to Lynda of A Cozy Little Place for Stitching

RAK #18 given to Jo of Serendipitous Stitching

RAK #19 given to Teresa of http://atwillowtreepond.blogspot.com

#20 given to Julie of More of Him

RAK #21 given to Jacquie at My Journey

#22 given to LynnB of Happiness is Cross Stitching

#23 given to Mouse of Tales of a Stitching Mouse

#24 given to Sharon at It's Daffy Cat

#25 to Evalina of This and That

#26 given to June of Butterfly Wings

RAK #27 given to Christie of Christie's Cross Stitch Creations

#28 given to Astrid of Dragon Stitches and Stuff by Astrid

#29 given to Shirlee of The Easily Influenced Stitcher

#30 given to Gracie of Needles Pins and Dragonflies

#31 given to Catherine of I Love to Stitch

#32 given to Joyce of Joyce's Love of Life

RAK #33 given to Jennifer of Jenny of Elefantz

RAK #34 given to Tiffany of Tiff Stitches

RAK #35 given to Heather of It's Geek to Me

RAK #36 given to Jo at Serendipitous Stitching (again)

RAK #37 to Carol of Stitching Dreams

#38 given to Preeti

#39 given to Frances of A Symphony of Stitches

#40 given to Anthea of Hibiscus Stitches

RAK #41 given to Maureen of I Like Making Things

RAK #42 given to Kathy L (no blog)

RAK #43 given to Dima of D1-D2

RAK #44 to Kaye of Kitten Stitching

RAK #45 went to Jo of ButterZ:

RAK #46 was successfully delivered to Barbara of The Flashing Scissors:

RAK #47 given to Evelyn (no blog):

RAK #48 to Stephanie of The Enchanting Rose:

RAK #49 sent to Pamela of Hokkaido Kudasai:

RAK #50 to Jamie of Cricket Bug Corner:

RAK #51 to Terri:

#52 to Cheryll of Gone Stitchin':

#53 to Christine:

#54 to Kimberly of Granny Stitches blog:

#55 given to Angela of Hooked on Stitches:

#56 given to Maria of Dotty's Daughter:

#57 given to Lynda-Ruth of Purple Pixie Dust:

#58 sent to Jo (again)......see #45 above <G>

#59 sent to Justine of Justine's Cross Stitch

#60 sent to Sarah at Sarahmoo's Stitching:

#61 sent to Dzintra Queen of the Armchair:


  1. OMG.... just being drooling over these gorgeous RAK's in case I had missed your posts - they are all beautiful :o)
    Hugs xx

  2. What beautiful gifts you have been sending and I know as I read some of the recipients' blogs how much pleasure they are giving! Can't think of a nicer way to celebrate your birthday! Christine x

  3. Wow! You have set yourself quite a challenge!! And the gift you prepared are so sweet and beautiful, I am sure the recipients loved them. That's wonderful of you, really. 💜

  4. That painted box and chattalaine are just gorgeous!

  5. Thank you so much dear Kim. I absolutely love everything you've sent me!

  6. I agree, the gifts you have sent are so nice. Thanks so much for your kindness. Happy stitching.

  7. I love the RAK gifts you have sent. How very sweet of you to do that-what a pleasantly wonderful idea. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive. :D

    Love in Christ,

  8. These are all gorgeous!Congrats for managing to complete all 60!AriadnefromGreece!
