What a nice surprise from
June - she nominated me for the "One Lovely Blog Award".
Thank you, June!!
The purpose of this award is for bloggers to nominate fellow, mostly newer, bloggers that they wish to recognise. The goal is to bring attention to blogs that we think are "lovely" and enjoy reading. We hope others will enjoy reading these blogs also.
In order to accept the award, the nominated blogger must follow these rules:
- Thank the person who nominated you & link back to them in your post
- Share seven facts about yourself
- Nominate 10 other bloggers for the award
Here are my seven facts:
1. I learned to knit when I was in fourth grade. A dear friend of my mother's picked me up at school and took me to their home. She told me my grandfather had died and I was to stay with her family for a few days. To distract me, she taught me to knit. I think that was the beginning of my passion for creating and doing hand-work.
2. I was an award-winning singer in grade school and high school (soprano). My music teacher encouraged me to study music in college, but I chose business school instead.
3. I paint on china (porcelain) and love, LOVE portraits and painting Limoges boxes. I was juried in to the largest miniature art show in the world, The Miniature Art Society of Florida two years in a row (2008 and 2009). Here is a miniature portrait of my husband and me:

4. I've loved horses since I was a little girl. My first pony was a dark bay called "Fuzzy". He was FAST - a barrel racing pony. I loved watching Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans, Bonanza, Fury, My Friend Flicka….and reading any horsey book I could get my hands on - The Black Stallion, Black Beauty, A Horse Called Frog, All Horses go to Heaven…the list goes on. My mother couldn't quite reconcile she had a cowgirl on her hands, so she took me to a hunt seat lesson barn. Well, what can I say? She lost her Cowgirl that day - I rode hunters and jumpers for years. Then switched to dressage and acquired the horse of my dreams while in my late 30's - Toby. He's gone now and I've stopped riding, but my love for those creatures remain.
5. I was on the "Martha Stewart Show". A group of us from around the USA shared our talents to benefit "Safe Horizons", a domestic violence shelter for women in NYC. I painted an abstract painting that now hangs in SH's entryway. I had it framed but can't find the photo of the framed piece.
6. I've been married to my Knight in Shining Armor for over 25 years. I feel like we just got started. I'm so very blessed to have such a sweet, understanding husband. He keeps me grounded.
7. I have a beautiful daughter, Sarah, and two step-children. Ben and his lovely wife and two children live in Michigan and my step-daughter, Carolyn, lives in our area.
Sarah, her DH and my little grandson just moved to Singapore (SOB!).
I've met so many lovely people in this blogging world! I follow many, many blogs, here are the ones that popped up at random. Have fun visiting and learning about these ladies!
Thank you for visiting!!