Meet Marie (Antoinette):
Marie A. came from a website for Tin-Sized Sheets (Ten Two Studios).
Here's the outside:
Here's the inside (pin cushion measures approximately 1.5 inches square):
Another peek at the inside:
I am so very excited about this idea and have plans for another nine different themes or so. Maybe this bodes of some giveaways in the future??
I'd be happy to put together a tutorial, if there is any interest. Comment on this post and if there is an interest by some, I'll post the 'how to'.
OK - now a funny story. When I was about five years old I remember watching Captain Kangaroo one morning as my mother was fixing breakfast. The end of the show came and Captain Kangaroo, Mr. Green Jeans, Bunny Rabbit and Mr. Moose were all crying because they wouldn't "be able to come back until next year." I was devastated….until they all started laughing and said, "That's tomorrow!". Confetti came down on them, they tooted horns - and my anguish was remedied.
I want to thank everyone who visits my blog. I thoroughly have enjoyed this past year. I've made many friends - and - with any luck - I've been able to bring people together as friends. Wishing you all the very best for 2015, filled with lots of love and hours of stitching.
Keep yourself surrounded by stitches ~ Cheers ~